About Me

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I am a husband to a beautiful and faithful wife and father of 4 great kids. I pastor an sbc church. I love the Lord because He first loved me, and the more of Him I receive,the more of Him I reveal. I have a passion for reading, thinking and a growing passion to write. I am mostly conservative, but enjoy being challenged by thoughtful arguments from other positions.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Why is it so easy, or seemingly natural, for one person to judge another? Where honest and objective consideration is employed the notion that one person can accurately pass judgment upon another person becomes scandalous. Accurate and honest judgement of another requires, not only complete and accurate information related to the person, but also the one passing judgment must possess an unbiased and untarnished character out of which to judge. Is this ever the case when human beings are involved? Are humans ever in a position of understanding all of the facts? If even that were possible is there a human being whose character is entirely untarnished or whose judgment completely unbiased? The answer is obviously, no. Yet, people find it easy, even natural, to quickly pass judgment. This condition betrays the truth about humanities bondage to sin. Perfectly sane and sinless creatures would find it impossible to pass judgment upon other creatures, for it would be unnatural for them to assume the position fit only for the Creator, who alone possesses all of the facts and is also entirely fair and just. Where creatures have ascended to the seat of judgment from which to presumptuously judge other creatures, the cruel reality of a rebel's heart is exposed.
So why are people so quick to pass judgment upon someone else based on limited information gained from very imperfect sources? The answer lies in that people, from the fall of mankind to the present, have been in the conundrum of trying to play god. When humanity broke fellowship with the Creator and in fact sided with the enemy of God, mankind vacated their position as recipients of God's leadership and provision, and were forced to lead and provide for, themselves. This,of course, opened the door for an infinite number of false gods, false ideas and false assumptions; it left the door wide open for creatures to take the presumptive position of becoming gods over one another. 
If the holiness of God is not in doubt (and it is not, unless we are all ready to be undone) then all judgment must be left to Him, for he alone possesses the character to perfectly and justly sit in judgment of his creatures. God alone is capable of making accurate evaluations regarding his creatures. Creatures were never designed to sit in judgment of each other.
So, if people truly believe that they are the standard from which all else is to be measured, or more clearly, if people behave in such a way as to indicate that they feel justified in sitting in the seat of Judgment then their deception is great. Under the spell of the evil one, they have concluded that their own sins are past finding out, and that they are qualified to judge others. 
Matthew 7:1, in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus says, "Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you." Jesus' point is to remind His people that all judgment belongs to God, and that humans do not possess the character, apart from HIM, to be blameless in their judgment. 
Learning to Trust in HIM
Pastor Gibbs

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