About Me

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I am a husband to a beautiful and faithful wife and father of 4 great kids. I pastor an sbc church. I love the Lord because He first loved me, and the more of Him I receive,the more of Him I reveal. I have a passion for reading, thinking and a growing passion to write. I am mostly conservative, but enjoy being challenged by thoughtful arguments from other positions.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

All In

In the final chapter of Ephesians we learn of that all important element in our spiritual journey, namely, warfare. Obviously, this is not a reference to the warfare that we are so accustomed to hearing about in the media. The warfare which Paul refers to is spiritual in nature, that is, it belongs to a realm that is only recognizable to those who are “all in” the game. 
Paul mentions in chapter 2 that, “God...made us alive together with Christ...and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” (2:4-6 NASB) He describes those who had been spiritually dead (2:1) being made alive or becoming alive in Christ Jesus. These are the warriors whom have been brought out of the darkness and into the light from which they are able to distinguish between the lord of darkness and the LORD of LIGHT. 
So the command to “put on” the entire armor of God, the weapons of spiritual warfare, can resonate only with those who have been called by the eternal COMMANDER and CHEIF, the LORD JESUS CHRIST. What Paul says, beginning in verse 10 of chapter six, is essential for the spiritual warrior. He writes, “...be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11. Put on the full armor of God...” (6:10-11) He reminds the good soldier that to serve well requires full surrender to the power and strength of God. The spiritual warrior must have relieved himself from depending on the master of self. He has surrendered himself as a servant who is depending on God’s strength, alone. Along with full dependence upon the Spirit of God, the faithful fighter must also be diligent to wear every piece of armament that has been made available to him. By this Paul succinctly implies that no victory is possible without the use of everything made available to us by GOD.
This battle that we have been called to must no longer be thought of as “our” battle, or as “me verses the devil.” The battle we have joined is a long standing battle that transcends the ages, it is the battle between good and evil, between the eternal GOD and the rebellious angels of darkness. We know nothing of this war, except what we learn from the Spirit of God and from being in the battle fully equipped. We grow in wisdom as warriors through each battle, great or small, being fully clothed in God’s armor. We learn to wear it, to use it, to command it. We become, in the truest sense of the word, spiritual warriors for the eternal KINGDOM. 
The greatest danger we face is being lulled into thinking the enemy is weak or tired. It is essential for us to remain alert and always consider that we are certainly being targeted for destruction. At times Satan’s means will be subtle and barely noticeable, though no less affective. Other times, his schemes will be severely felt. Nevertheless, God promises us that the victory has already been won for us by Jesus Christ. This victory is ours, but we must claim it by using the same weapons that our CHAMPION, himself used. We must always walk by faith and recognize our hope is entirely in God. 
So the question for each of us to ask is, are we all in? 
Seeking to be all in!
Pastor Gibbs